Resources to share with Non-Profit organizations and their supporters who interested in participating in the Loveland 365 project:
FAQ - Loveland 365:
Frequently Asked Questions about the Loveland 365 Project
An organization who agrees to have their organization placed on our website as a participating
organization. This will allow anyone purchasing a book to designate the organization as the
recipient of the net proceeds. Visit
ALL legally recognized Non-Profit Organizations who operate in Loveland. This is a Loveland
based project and we intend to keep all proceeds in the Loveland community.
Email us at and someone will contact you after that.
Contact us at and help to promote the book among your staff,
volunteers, contributors and anyone else within your network. A sales form is available for your
use to take orders from people who do not wish to purchase online.
We estimate books will be delivered by Mother’s Day 2011. Sales will cease on April 1, 2010 and
printing and binding will occur in the month of April.
$39.95 plus applicable sales tax and shipping charges if the purchaser chooses to have their
book shipped to them.
All books will be delivered to the non-profit’s location of choice for purchasers to pick up at their
Vision Graphics, the company who has agreed to print these books, is Northern Colorado’s
leading printer. The book will be a hard cover coffee table book with a dust cover, embossed
hard cover, 384 pages and the highest quality paper with the highest quality print. In a bookstore,
this book would easily sell for $60.00 or more.
All proceeds up to $20.00 per book will be donated to the participating organization. If less than 3500 books are sold, the net proceeds to each organization may be less.
Now until April 1, 2001. Visit
On April 1st, an order for the number of books pre-purchased will be sent to the printer, Vision
Graphics in Loveland. All net proceeds will then be delivered to the participating non-profits. This
can be done on April 1st because all purchases will have been already paid for by the purchasers.
Visit us at and view the quality of the book as well as download a PDF file for
use in promoting the book.
Because we believe Loveland is the best place to live in the world and we wanted to showcase the
best people, places and things that make us America’s sweetheart City. John Giroux: "I wanted to give back to
Loveland for all Loveland has given me."
The longer an organization waits, the less time purchasers will have to choose the organization
for their purchase proceeds.
Yes. Visit us at
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Script - Non-Profits Speaking to Supporters TEXT:
Script for Non-Profit Organizations to use to speak to their Supporters
Representative from Non-Profit Calls a Supporter:
Hello, _______________.
I am calling on behalf of (say name of Non-Profit). We are grateful you have faithfully supported us in the past, and now we want to tell you about a great fundraising opportunity that has come our way.
Loveland 365 is making it easy for us to bring money to our organization. This time we don't have to create an event. We do not need to canvas businesses to gather silent auction items.
We don't have to do anything except ask our friends to buy a book! We save energy and volunteer hours – AND – get money to create programs and keep opportunities available for our clients.
Loveland 365 is a book that promotes Loveland by highlighting the People, Places, and Things that make Loveland America's Sweetheart City. Throughout 2010 they complied photographs and stories that spotlight many citizens, major events and favorite places here in Loveland. It is a 9”x12” heirloom quality hard cover coffee table book, due out for Mother's Day.
For each book sold, our organization will receive up to $20!
Loveland 365 is pre-selling the book in order to cover printing costs. It will be a limited edition, a slice of life in Loveland. All work on the book is volunteer effort; no one is being paid.
It is easy – go to website to purchase your books. And Loveland 365 will send us a check. You can see a slide show on the website that gives you some idea of the variety of photos and stories in the book.
Buy your book before Valentine's Day, when the price goes up.
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Script – Speaking to Non-Profit Organizations TEXT:
Please note:
Find out ahead of time who is the Executive Director and/or Development Director.
These are the decision makers and the people you should be speaking with.
Make the call:
May I please speak to ______________ ?
Hello, _______________.
I am calling on behalf of Loveland 365 to give you a no-risk opportunity to bring money to your organization.
Our book promotes Loveland by highlighting the People, Places, and Things that make Loveland America's Sweetheart City.
For each book sold, your organization will receive up to $20. It is easy – send your supporters to the website to purchase books. We send you a check for the proceeds from those purchases. Retail value of the book is $39.99, representing an opportunity for organizations to keep up to $20 from the sale of each book.
Throughout 2010 we complied photographs and stories that spotlight many citizens, major events and favorite places here in Loveland.
The 9”x12” heirloom quality hard cover book is due out for Mother's Day. We are pre-selling the book in order to cover printing costs. All work on the book is volunteer effort; no one is being paid.
We will send you an e-mail with a live link to materials to show your supporters.
We ask that you put a Loveland 365 logo and live link on your website that goes directly to the purchase page on the Loveland 365 website. Please call or e-mail our webmaster, Fred Richart, for your custom link (HTML for you to cut and paste). Fred can be reached at 970-663-4184 and
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Memorandum of UnderstandingTEXT:
This Memorandum of Understanding ("MOU") is entered into as of this ___ day of ___________________ by and between Loveland 365, LLC, a Colorado limited liability company ("Loveland 365"), and _________________________________ (the "Affiliate").
Loveland 365 wishes to produce, from time to time as it may decide, books, calendars, souvenirs, photographs, and other collections or memorabilia (the "Materials") to promote civic pride and understanding in the City of Loveland, Colorado, and to generate support for nonprofit charitable organizations that provide services to or otherwise support the shared community life of Loveland, Colorado. The Affiliate is a nonprofit charitable organization that wishes to promote the sale and distribution of the Materials with the understanding that certain proceeds from the sale of the Materials shall be remitted to the Affiliate in support of its charitable purposes. The purpose of this MOU is to set forth the understanding of the parties with respect to (1) the shared marketing of Materials produced by Loveland 365 from time to time, and (2) the remittances to be made to the Affiliate.
In consideration of the foregoing, for the mutual covenants and set forth herein, and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are acknowledged, the parties hereto agree as follows:
- Receipts from Sales. Loveland 365 shall maintain a program with affiliate nonprofit organizations so that purchasers of the Materials may designate one of such affiliates to receive all of the purchase price of any of the Materials, less the reasonable costs and overhead of Loveland 365 incurred in producing the Materials and in general operations. The specific terms of this program may be modified from time to time by Loveland 365, in its sole discretion, provided that such modifications are consistent with the general purposes set forth herein. During the term of this MOU, Affiliate shall be one of these participating affiliates, and shall receive, from time to time, a pro rata share of the net proceeds from the sale of Materials based on the program in place and the designations made under the program by the purchasers of Materials.
- Marketing Efforts. To further the goals set forth herein, and as full and fair consideration for the remittance of receipts to the Affiliate, Affiliate agrees to make reasonable and diligent efforts to promote the sales of the Materials to its stakeholders and supporters during the term of this MOU, and to encourage these stakeholders and supporters to designate the Affiliate in connection with any purchases of Materials.
- Term and Termination. This MOU shall be in effect for one (1) calendar year from the date hereof, and shall automatically renew for successive one-year terms unless terminated by a party. Either party hereto may terminate this MOU upon fifteen (15) days' advance written notice to the other party; provided, however, that the terms of the MOU shall continue to govern any receipts from any sale of Materials if the said sale was booked prior to the termination of the MOU.
- General Provisions. This MOU shall be binding upon the parties hereto and their successors and assigns. This MOU shall be governed in all respects by the laws of the State of Colorado, with venue for any disputes in Larimer County. This MOU may be executed in counterparts, which taken together shall constitute a single original.
EXECUTED AND EFFECTIVE as of the date first written above
Loveland 365, LLC, a Colorado limited liability company
By: ______________________________
Name: ______________________________
Authorized Signatory
By: ___________________________
Name: ______________________________
Authorized Signatory
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Letter to Non-Profits to Explain Fundraising Opportunity TEXT:
Loveland 365 Offers Local Groups Fundraising Opportunity
Community groups and non-profits can gain via L365 book sales
Loveland, Colorado – Loveland 365, a local project dedicated to sharing all there is to love about Loveland, Colorado, is pleased to present an opportunity for local community groups and non-profit organizations to raise funds.
“We undertook Loveland 365 as a project to showcase the community, and now are looking to partner with any interested local community groups who are seeking a fundraising opportunity,” notes John Giroux, L365 founder.
Retail value of the book is $39.99, representing an opportunity for organizations to keep up to $20 from the sale of each book.
Loveland 365 has been well-received by the community, amassing almost 2,700 Facebook fans and gaining support from the Loveland Connection newspaper, which runs weekly features on the stories being told by the project.
About Loveland 365
Local resident and businessman John Giroux loves Loveland, and wanted to showcase the things that make it a special place. In late 2009 he decided, with 2010 approaching, that the new year would be a great time to showcase the people, places and things that make The Sweetheart City great. He turned to friends and associates from the community and set about creating Loveland 365, a year-long project to find and share compelling stories and images from Loveland with the world.
The goal of the project is to focus on one thing a day in Loveland – a story, image or interview – and feature it on the Loveland 365 website,, and a book. Many local residents might have their own well-known favorites in Loveland, and Loveland 365 also hopes to share information about lesser-known local stories that residents think are important.
When purchasing books online, simply select a Loveland non-profit from the provided list, and that non-profit gets the proceeds from your purchase. Easy!
Find Loveland 365 on the web:
Find Loveland 365 on Facebook:
Find Loveland 365 on Twitter:
Contact us by email:
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Follow up e-mail to participating non-profits TEXT:
Cut and Paste:
We are happy to be in this mutually beneficial relationship with your organization! We want your fundraising efforts to be successful. This time you do not need to put on an event or canvas for silent auction items. Just send people to to purchase books, have them choose your non-profit from the drop-down list provided, and we will send you the proceeds.
It is truly as easy as that! The only responsibility you bear is to send your fans, friends, and supporters to
Please verify that:
You have received this message
You have posted a link to on your website (our webmaster will assist you with this!
Contact Fred Richart for your custom link (HTML for you to cut and paste). Fred can be reached at 970-663-4184 and
Feel free to call us if you need more materials or if you have questions.
______________________ your name
______________________ your phone
Create a live link within the e-mail so the Non-Profit Representative can see how it is done:
To create a live link in the e-mail to
Highlight the words
Be careful not to get the spaces on either side of the words
Look on your browser for wording like hyperlink, insert a link, or an icon of 3 links of chain
When you click on this you should get a pop-up window that has an empty line for the URL
Be certain to go to a browser window, navigate to and copy from that.
NEVER transcribe any URL – it is the best way to end up with a broken link!
Find the hyperlink icon
Click on it
Add the URL
# # #
How to create a live link in an e-mail TEXT:
To create a live link in the e-mail to
Highlight the words
Be careful not to get the spaces on either side of the words
Look on your browser for wording like hyperlink, insert a link, or an icon of 3 links of chain
When you click on this you should get a pop-up window that has an empty line for the URL
Be certain to go to a browser window, navigate to and copy from that.
NEVER transcribe any URL – it is the best way to end up with a broken link!
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Book Brochure - sample pages
Brochure Front Cover:
Brochure Back Cover:
Inside - left page - sample: |
Inside - right page - sample: |