I can't wait! This Saturday, Loveland 365 is going to march in the Loveland Corn Roast Festival Parade. Our parade Grand Marshal Mary Gullikson will lead us through downtown. r
Marching with us will be other wWriters, Photographers, Real Estate Agents, Promoters, Book Designers, PR Reps, Graphic Designers, and Citizens interested in the success of our Loveland 365 project. You can see past parade photos HERE, on the Corn Roast Festival Facebook Fan Page.
The Corn Roast Festival itself is a hoot, lots of family fun. We'll be at the Fairgrounds Park on Railroad. In case you have not run through the Water Park there, this weekend would be a great opportunity! There will be food vendors, a beer garden, vendor booths, and plenty of fun stuff for the kids!
Don't miss out on the fun! The parade starts promptly at 9:30am.