Archive for the ‘JM Designs’ Category

Loveland 365 in the Corn Roast Festival Parade

August 29th, 2010 by Maryjo Morgan
Loveland 365 Pin of logo mark - a heart with lots of components

Loveland 365's logo, Designed by John Metcalf of JM Designs

Thanks to Connie Luke at High Impact Signs
for our awesome sandwich board signs!

Excellent photos by John Giroux of Family Mortgage
graced these sandwich board signs!

Thanks to Classic Designs Embroidery
for our Loveland 365 t-shirts and caps!

Thanks to John Horton at First Impressions
for our Loveland 365 pins!

Thanks to our parade participants - including canines - and the great energy everyone contributed to singing and marching and handing out yummy bubble gum and pins and flyers!

We had a ball being in the parade!  Members of Loveland 365 handed out flyers and buttons with the Loveland 365 logo.  It was fun to have folks call out to us in the parade ... and great to be telling Loveland about our forthcoming book.

Notice the pin we handed out!  It features a HEART made up of many components.  This idea (beautifully executed by designer John Metcalf of JM Designs) personifies what Loveland 365 if all about - the many people places and things that make Loveland so special!

This is what we sang as we walked along ...

2010 Corn Roast Festival Skit – Loveland 365
written by Maryjo Morgan (Sing-Song Marching Chant)

We're Loveland 3-sixty-five,
It's not corn-y to have pride.

We love Love-land, yes we do,
We love Love-land, how about you?

Our book's full of folks you know,
And places that you like to go.

People, places and good things,
Stir our hearts and make us sing.

Sculpture, people … lots of art,
Our ci-ty's a real Sweet-heart!

Proceeds stay right here in town,
With non-profits of re-nown.

Read our blog and see Facebook,
We deserve a second look!

Our book's gonna be so grand
All a-bou-t Love-land.

We're Loveland 3-sixty-five,
It's not corn-y to have pride.

Love-land, Love-land